Absolution (1978)
An unholy mess
5 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Disappointing thriller. Writer Anthony Schaeffer is obviously talented, having penned such classics of the genre as SLEUTH and THE WICKER MAN, but this film, alas, does not belong in their company.

ABSOLUTION is intriguing for an hour or so, until it takes a turn for the predictable (and thus for the tedious) from which the story never recovers. It is absurdly easy to guess who the real villain is by the 2/3 mark.

Added to which, the plot would have us believe that said villain is able to predict with almost clairvoyant certainty what other characters will do - and fail to do - in the situations he's set in motion. And at a certain point this becomes preposterous.

Finally, while the movie is well-acted, all of the characters, including Burton's, are insufferable.

So, an easy-to-spot a villain, unbelievable plot twists, and characters you despise. Only a solid first hour and fine performances save it from a lower rating.

My score: 6.
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