Review of The Blob

The Blob (1958)
B-horror classic
6 July 2018
In rural Pennsylvania, teenagers Steve Andrews (Steve McQueen) and Jane Martin are parked in his car when a meteorite crashes over the hill. A local hillbilly pokes at it with a stick and goo grabs onto his hand. The teens find the suffering old man and bring him to doctor Hallen in town. It's the start as the blob consumes its victims and grows ever larger.

This movie has two things going for it. It's got a good B-horror premise that is executed pretty well. It's also got a young McQueen early in his career. The writing can be clunky and the acting can be uneven. The boy is no picnic. The part I most appreciate is McQueen's self-doubt after the initial police station scene. I also appreciate that the adults are mostly reasonable with that one exception. Even that cop is reasonable in his fiery angriness. The Blob effects are not the most advanced but it does have great camp value. It's notable that the kids are the ones with the truth and the adults are reluctant to believe them. The theater stampede is the big iconic scene and the movie drags on a bit after that. This is a classic although not a classic for the critics.
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