Book Club (I) (2018)
Was this supposed to be a comedy?
18 May 2018
Was I supposed to laugh? There are a couple of chuckles and maybe one laugh-out-loud moments, but mostly it's TV-quality "let's make fun of old women" dreck.

I'm not being fair. Imagine the following in a deep soothing male voice: "A heart-touching look into the lives of four mature women as they struggle to become the sensual beings they once were."

Now that that is out of the way, I can assure you that unless you have a severe addiction to popcorn and overpriced soft drinks, you'll regret seeing this.

It is sad in one way. EVERYONE is SOOOOO OLD! Ed Begley looks like the walking dead. Annie Hall looks like they added loose skin. Mary Steenburjin or whatever is still a fine-looking woman, but Jane Fondle has had so many wrinkles surgically removed that they probably took the excess and made a WestWorld host that looks just like her. Her skin is so tight she vibrates in a cross wind. And Murphy Brown looks like she's packing about three gallons of water weight.

You do not need to watch it with Dolby surround sound, either. The sucker has so many stereotypes of old people your brain will fool you into thinking it's quality sound. The only sound you will remember is that of the money being sucked out of your wallet. If you haven't seen it, wait until Redbox or the $1 movie house.

Stay at home and watch the Hallmark Channel. You'll laugh harder, cry more often, and keep $20 in your pocket. You can thank me later.
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