A motion picture many decades ahead of its time - the leading lady Joan Leslie is liberated
27 April 2018
First of all I am a man writing this review and not a left leaning liberated woman. Having gotten that out of the way, after reading some of the other reviews one would have thought that this picture is just like a string of previous released films in which the dim-witted gorgeous leading lady is confused as to whom she really loves and she will let her two (2) alpha male co-stars duke it out to decide who gets to marry her.

I didn't see the leading lady actress Joan Leslie who plays a manicurist named Connie Reed in the same light as most other narrow minded film goers. No, in my humble opinion the attractive Connie Reed by her own admission had been dating a string of men over the past few years tasting the many different shaped lips of her many male suitors not in a deliberate effort to get her main man cabbie Buzz Williams (Jack Carson) jealous but smartly just to see if she would be missing out on anything before she decided if it was worth settling down with her hack driver Buzz.

I viewed actress Joan Leslie as an actress a half century ahead of her time in which this leading lady certainly had a mind of her own and no one was going to tell her who she could date and where she could be seen in public with, even if it looked as if she may be just another gold digger. Kudos also to the original screenplay writers Charles Hoffman, and I.A.L. Diamond who had the foresight to create Connie Reed's character as a liberated and free thinking woman which was well ahead of its time back in 1946 when this film was first released.

If you think the story is about a foreign prince who comes to Brooklyn to escape his royal treatment and just eat hamburgers and swig beer with a cab driver you would be remiss in your thinking. I believe the message really is about a woman named Connie Reed perfectly cast with Joan Leslie who chooses her own future husband. Before she decides to settle down she wants to take advantage of what other men may have to offer her too and she makes no bones about her strong will and backs down to no man, even if that man is a royal prince.

Two Guys from Milwaukee is an underrated film with a message for liberating woman that was decades ahead of its time. Quite possibly the film saved thousands of women from marrying the wrong man and settling for less than they were deserving of in an equal partner. You may have to watch this film more than once to appreciate the same message that I garnered from this classy comedy/romance film but the message is clear. You are woman and we hear you roar!

A very deserving 8 out of 10 rating
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