The Saint V's The Mafia...
17 January 2018
There's something about The Saint that I didn't like as a kid. It could have been the whole anti-hero thing or his slimy suaveness... though I'm not particularly sure what it was. Now, after watching "Vendetta" I have the urge to watch the original series again, through older eyes. Maybe there was something subtle that I just didn't get as a kid and therefore missed out on the entertainment and enjoyment of a pretty brilliant character. Connery may be Bond but Moore is Templar.

In this story, we have Templar in Italy, for some nefarious reason no doubt, and while he's taking a rest he spots a near brawl between two supposed friends. Euston (Mackay) spots a man he believes to be an old work colleague and walks over to say hello. However, he is met with threats and not greetings. Templar moves in when it looks like a fight is about to ensue. Buying Euston a drink he is told the story of the two friends. However, the man claims to be called Destamio (Hendry) and not his friend at all. Something about this sticks in Templar's claw... and he becomes more intrigued when Euston is murdered. With the Italian military and police not bothering with the killing Templar decides to investigate... and what he learns brings him head to head with the Mafia.

I have to admit that I like the character Simon Templar as he is a thief, with morals, and has a strong self-assurance and bravado. This, along with his charm and good looks, definitely makes him a lady-killer. These traits alone can make for good stories. So when you add a good story with action, twists, and tension you surely have a winner - and you do.

This is back when actors would try to accent their voices accordingly. And to be honest, Ian Hendry does a very good and more than passible New York Italian. He is also a perfect hard guy as he protrudes an air of strength and menace, which is almost tangible. In fact, all the actors and actresses do wonderful jobs in their portrayals making it more enjoyable to watch.

O'Connolly directs at a pretty steady pace, which works well with the script. Though there's nothing new in the film, directorial-wise, this isn't a bad thing as what he does allows the actors and actresses to shine. For example, the chase scene. When Templar escapes he runs down a hillside. Today this would probably be shot continuously with the cameraman running down the hill too, with all the camera shake that is all too evident today. Whereas O'Connolly uses static camera's for the shots and pans to follow the action. For me, this works better and adds to the movie.

If you like action thrillers with a good story, strong characters, well written, and nicely filmed then this flick could be right for you. Either way, I would recommend this as an afternoon treat, especially on a Sunday after Dinner - while supping the vino.
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