Dream until your dream comes true..
15 January 2018
Plenty of 80s loved up and loveable determination, perseverance, and personal will power, freedom, and dash of 80s signature toughness, and attitude - coupled with dreams, dreaminess, passion, and fantasy.

Comes across with more than a touch of - real, and regular life in a fantasy, and fantasy in real, and regular life.

The characters are cute, casual, natural, genuine, relatable, charming, fun, interesting, attractive, and un-pretentious.

An America behind what Springsteen, and Mellencamp fantasized, and celebritized - but this is the REAL life and dreams and fantasies behind the real deal - Sweet, fun, beautiful, dreamy, determined, perserving, and believing. That special sense and awareness of a greater dream, and reality, in the midst of one that is sort of already pretty great as it is - but normal.

The astral dreams kick in, it skirts the broad precipice between sci-fi and fantasy, never fully crossing the line into one or the other - again in the 80s believable, fun, innovative, and loved up spirit.

"Dream, dream, dream. That is all I want to do!"

The music score is great too!

In this day and age, Dreams Come True is an equally enjoyable escapism from both the mundane, and the overly contrived that can make you laugh, and feel good and interested about things - Just as it was intended to be when it was created in '84!

Great movie, and the neon and the sparkles make it even greater! :)
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