Review of Broad City

Broad City (2014– )
1 and 2 were so funny. 3 went down hill big time
4 November 2017
I binged watched this and at the time thought it was so so hilarious. Season 3 sort of put me off. Like the last episode on the plain talking about circumcision... what? I think it got to the point where they either ran out of good plots or thought how much can we get away here.

Abi was funny she was just so unlucky. I didn't know what to make of Alana ? Do people like that. Really be out there I suppose in Brooklyn After a while she'd drive me f**king nuts.

Think I'll give season4 a miss.

Noticed lots of condensed hipsters commenting like you just don't man. Maybe I'm getting old(41)

Also been a long time since I like workaholics (if I ever did)

Past the stage in life where it's all about getting messed up. Bet none of those actors carry on like that. Hey bro if your 20 shot away but life has a sneaky way of catching up on you. I know believe me.

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