Cat's Eye (1985)
Literary leftovers
8 October 2017
Stephen King's short stories have garnered him almost as much acclaim as his novels, and they have proved to be just as easily adaptable for the screen ("Stand By Me", "The Shawshank Redemption"); "Cat's Eye" is the exception. King himself expanded two of his early stories (from the collection "Night Shift") and introduces a new addition to form this weak anthology of shuddery tales linked by a rather boring feline. The most telling sign of the picture's failure is that none of these tales would succeed as their own feature-length production (there's not enough meat on their bones). Everything about "Cat's Eye" seems like leftover goods (from either 1982's "Creepshow", written by King, or 1983's "Twilight Zone The Movie"), which is surprising considering how mindful King is of his devoted fan base. No one involved in the production looks as if they had any hope for its success. There's no promise in Lewis Teague's direction and no surprises from a rather weary cast of second-drawer talents. NO STARS from ****
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