Dark City (1998)
Unconventional sci fi film
12 September 2017
Dark City is definitely a one of a kind movie. There's no other in the science fiction genre that's similar to it. It stands alone. Most of the time I really enjoy films that are unique and stand out, and this one fits into that most category. Typically I'm not huge on the science fiction genre, but I think even if you don't usually care for that type of film, you'll still like this one. One of the reasons it can transcend a strict science fiction audience is because of its intelligence. The film doesn't reveal a whole lot until the very end, which is very clever, keeps the viewer guessing the whole way through. The cast is very good. I think each and every cast member was picked well and represents their role well. The plot is a lot to explain, and the movie gets more complicated as it goes along, so I'll just say that the plot is full of rich twists and turns. I can almost 100% guarantee that you will not be bored with this film, too much is going on for that to happen. The special effects were good for 1998, they are kind of dated by today's standards, but they still work, the buildings in the city are probably the most interesting thing as far as visual effects go. Overall, I do recommend this very interesting film. 8/10.
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