Andrei Rublev (1966)
Tarkovsky goes medieval
2 September 2017
A truly unique movie, the closest you'll get to seeing Breughel or Hieronymus Bosch in cinema. Tarkovsky shows us the life and times of Russian painter Andrei Rublev (±1365-1430) in a way that only Tarkovsky can, his trademark meandering camera hypnotizing the viewer, enabling an almost meditative state that allows us to gain deep insights into art, religion and the human condition. Parts 4, 6 and 8 in particular are fantastic, revealing the chaos and trials of medieval Europe in haunting fashion. The payoff comes in the form of the gorgeous, timeless finale - so well executed.

Still, this is not as perfect a work as Stalker or Solaris. I found parts 5 and 7 to be outright boring, perhaps because some orthodox religious themes were lost on me. But these are minor quibbles - take your time to absorb this movie, even if you don't consider yourself the type to enjoy 3 hour allegories about obscure Russian icon painters. For better or for worse, it will be a once in a lifetime experience.
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