Power Corps. (2004)
Who the hell thought this was a good idea???
23 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In the Near Future®, the Earth's surface has been reduced to a radioactive wasteland by a belligerent alien race called the Ma'hars. What was left of the human race took to the stars, where the Ma'Hars hunt them in the hope of wiping out humanity and putting an end to this long war. But those plucky humans aren't going down without a fight!

Led by one Sgt. Sharp—a self-proclaimed "bad mother****er but a fair one"--a company of Galactic Marines is sent on a recon mission to a planet that looks like the bad part of a U.S. city. They end up fighting zombies, vampires, werewolves, weaponized insects, a three- headed dinosaur, cyborg assassins, and a well-armed gang of dune- buggy riders. None of it makes a damned bit of sense until you assume that you're watching a video game. The set pieces, visual effects, and picture quality all suggest one from the Clinton era.

RECON 2020 is a badly written, acted, and produced amalgam of sci- fi, horror, and action clichés. It rips off everything from "Star Wars" to "Mad Max" to "Terminator" to "The X Files" to "Starship Troopers." Perhaps the filmmakers intended it as homage, but it feels more like plagiarism. A cyborg even says, "I'll be back." There is absolutely nothing to recommend this dreck, even to die- hard fans of bad cinema.

Item: One of the Marines wears a custom-made visor that blocks his side and rear vision. Not the smartest thing to wear in combat!

Item: The company's pilot is a college-aged blonde that I've nicknamed Galactic Marine Barbie. This chick is a battle-scarred pilot like I'm a Hair Club for Men "after" model. (You see, I'm bald on top.)

And now, some dialogue samples:

MARINE #1: "Sarge is a cool customer." MARINE #2: "Yes. He's kept us alive many times."

MARINE #3: "Why in God's name would anybody mess with sh*t that does this sh*t?"

ENEMY MERCENARY: "I want 'em all at my feet! Then we'll rip their hearts open and let the sun shine in."

MARINE #4: "I've been in some badass bush before, but this one takes the lemon tart."
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