More fun than the last five Star Wars films
20 July 2017
What if the Star Wars prequels had been handed over to a better director? What if The Force Awakens and Rogue One had aimed at being original and fun science fantasy films rather than just playing on people's nostalgia?

This is what I found myself seeing as I was watching Valerian. A film that made Space Opera's fun and exciting again.

I was surprised by the two leads. The trailers made it feel like we'd be seeing a rehash of the two main leads from Ender's Game but I was surprised at how fun and spunky (and flawed) the two characters were to watch. The romance was not there and it did not need to be there because this film is not a romance nor centered around a romance.

This film is Luc Besson taking what people loved about the Fifth Element and stretching it to the entire movie.

And yes, it is true, it is visually the prettiest movie since Avatar. The kids I took with me to see this film had their eyes on the screen the whole time, no bathroom break, no water break, just a visually mesmerizing film that never tired its audience.

My recommendation is to go see it on the bring screen to experience the marvel of it. It's a shame it is not available in IMAX.
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