The Do-Over (2016)
Entertaining movie
19 June 2017
I'm not a critic, so I won't pretend to be one. I just wanted to add a good review to this site because I didn't think it was a bad movie. Was is Sandler's best, no. But was it good, yes. The acting was good, had a decent plot, and what I felt was a decent ending. It kept my interest and made me laugh. I watch a movie to be entertained and escape from the real world for a couple of hours. It did that and that's what made it good for me. If you're watching for Sandler in hopes of seeing another Billy Madison, The Waterboy, or even The Longest Yard (3 of my favs), look to re-watching those movies because this isn't it. I started watching the movie not to see old Sandler comedy, but just to see Sandler, and Spade, and I wasn't disappointed. The comedy is a bit raunchy, but funny. So, without spoiling, be prepared. Just watch it and have fun like I did.
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