The Mummy (2017)
Welcome to a new world of mediocrity.
7 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Dead is just the beginning", right? In this case it might be the beginning of the end of the world of gods and monsters. I have been dwelling on how to review this movie as I want to be fair but I don't want to mislead you.

I will start by saying that Sofia Boutella nails the character of Princess Ahmunet, she is truly a goddess with of course an ancient course that she brought upon herself, but her character is so likable you actually end up rooting for the ultimate evil, Boutella brings a charisma to the mummy that it is hard to match.

My biggest fear going in was Russell Crowe as doctor Henry Jekyll and his other persona, Mr Edward Hyde, but the actor gives the performance of his lifetime as both characters and his seedy organization, which is truly as evil and ruthless as the "monsters" they chase. And this is how I like my "heroes", men or groups that for the common "good" are willing to become monsters themselves, it makes for an interesting plot.

Here's where things go sideways: Tom Cruise, yes I said it. Nick Morton is an amalgamation of Rick O'Connell of the Brendan Fraiser movies and Ethan Hawk from M:I. His character lacks charisma and his romance with Jenny (Annabelle Wallis) is less than believable. It borders in a cheap Fabio novel paper back, the movie would have been much better without Tom Cruise and Nick Morton.

Here's where things go bad: The special effects, last year I hammered Ghostbusters for their "Scooby-like" CGI and it pains me as I have to do the same here, the CGI was awful, seriously!

When a TV Show like Game of Thrones can have great FX there is absolutely no excuse to have a big franchise movie, the start of one had FX so incredibly awful, they looked like a freaking cartoon. That seriously killed the movie.

There are a couple of good scenes but I have to say sadly that the Dark Universe is dead, or at least it should be.

My rating is 6 out of 10, and I'm being nice.

Welcome to a new world of meh...
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