Remington Steele (1982–1987)
21 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Being a crime show, I would classify this show as being composed of 3 elements: action, comedy, and romance. Action: Well-written. Like many crime shows I've seen, I was blown away by the cases and their twists. There's still somewhat graphic violence though, so be warned. Comedy: When I watched this show, I laughed a lot. My sense of humor is different than many others, so just check it out for yourself; just saying I had enjoyed a lot of this. Romance: When I watched the show (I no longer do, this is why) I was primarily there for the romance. I can't believe it took me so long to realize this completely contradicted my beliefs. I won't go into detail, but there are a number of sexual references, not to mention unfaithfulness. My suggestion: Do NOT get into shipping w/ these 2. Not worth it. ___________________________________ Issues: DLSV D: Sexual innuendo L: "Damn" is a common word S: Some graphic scenes (Steele Sweet on You; Vintage Steele, ex) & sexual talk V: Of course there is. It's crime TV. Whether it's guns or fists, RS has the V definitely. ______________________________________ Conclusion: Though this show may be enjoyable for some levels and rated PG on some or even all TV stations, USE YOUR OWN JUDGMENT. I wouldn't recommend letting kids watch this. I feel I wasted 4 good yrs of my life on this personally. ~Ex Steele Watcher
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