It is beautiful to look at...that's about it.
29 March 2017
Ghost in the Shell is arguably one of the most beloved anime films of all time. Approaching nearly 22 years old, the original film still holds up as, not only a great film, but a thought provoking one too. Fast forward to 2017, we're introduced to the CGI spectacle that many believed was going to be the first great live action adaptation especially when the first trailer was released. Instead of appeasing fans of the original, this film decides to clip its own nuts and wants to be seen on a broader spectrum. Throw in some heavily edited fight sequences, a PG-13 rating and Scarlett Johansson, we get 2017 Ghost in the Shell...and it is downright painful at times.

The film is, more or less, a shot for shot remake at times and then other times it tries to do its own thing. Truthfully, Rupert Sanders' erratic direction and Jamie Moss' lackluster adapted script make this a very hard film for a fan to watch. While it may be easily looked over because of the wonderful use of CGI and cinematography, under the surface the film is superficial and very idiotic at times. Scarlett Johansson as Major is a major miscast (no pun intended). She is wooden and feels like she is sleepwalking through this role. While it is clear that after Lucy and The Avengers, Johansson is wanting to be an action hero icon. She is a tremendous actress in every way but it is hard to buy her as Major.

Overall, this film is yet another remake that misses the mark. Walking out of my screening, I kept hearing the comparisons to the remake of RoboCop from a group of people. I must say, this was an accurate comparison and I couldn't have made a better comparison even if I tried. The film suffers from blatant studio meddling, a poor script, and a very erratic director, much like that remake. These are three things that are too hard to ignore. Hardcore fans of Ghost in the Shell will probably be massively disappointed by this blatant cash grab. The young teenagers might get a kick out of the action sequences and CGI but the adults will be left watching the original for their enjoyment.
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