High school play with CGI thrown in.
17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!! They live happily ever after.

Pros: The female lead is girl-next-door pretty. The CGI is at times fantastic even though The Beast looks photo-shopped at times. The songs you love are there. The number in the tavern is pretty darn good. The numbers involving the talking non-human objects are very entertaining.The theater was full of hot suburban moms...you know the term. Small children will like it though I think there are times when it will be too violent for anyone under the age of 10.

Cons: The first musical number in the village just doesn't work. Everyone comes across as trying too hard. The songs you hate are there. This isn't nearly as good as Jungle Book....not even close. The movie is way too long. The obvious man-crush that the lead bad guy's personal assistant has is just way too obvious and intentionally so. It become a central plot device. I know, it is a PC/economic decision. Disney wants to draw in as many bodies as possible. Inclusiveness sells.

I left disappointed but my wife enjoyed it. Small children cheered. Their mothers wanted to get home to start drinking. Dad's peace and quite was coming to an end.
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