Might be the worst movie I have ever seen
15 December 2016
If you want to watch a movie with no plot where you don't like a single character in the film and you keep waiting for something meaningful that never comes, except anxiety and depression, until you finally get to the pointless NON-ending - be sure and watch American Honey. You will waste 2 hours and 45 minutes of your life and then wish you would've turned it off at least one of the 1000 times you thought about it.

This movie rambles along endlessly. Just when you start to identify with a character, or sympathize or start to develop an understanding of them or have some level of sadness or joy for them, the writers undermind your intelligence by placing them in situations which would not make sense or have them do something no one would with any sense would do. There are a few scenes where you say to yourself, "ok, here we go... finally" only to be sucker punched again. HORRIBLE MOVIE.
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