A Rare Sequel That Improves on the Original
12 October 2016
The Conjuring 2 (2016)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga) are coming off the Amityville case when they decide to take a break. This break doesn't last too long as Ed has a vision of a possessed nun, which is the same person Lorraine previously saw. Meanwhile over in London a mother and her four children are being haunted by an evil spirit, which appears to be attached to an elderly man.

THE CONJURING came out of nowhere and become a huge hit among critics and horror fans. The box office numbers meant a sequel was bound to follow since the number one rule with horror films is that if one makes money you rush another into production. Thankfully this film wasn't rushed into production and it's great that they actually took their time to deliver a good screenplay. I must admit that I'm quite shocked but I thought the film was much better and much creepier than the first film.

Director James Wan is really becoming an expert at these types of films and this here is certainly among the best that has been made. I thought the first film was quite good due to its performances and a nice story but I didn't find a single thing creepy. That certainly wasn't the case here as the movie had my blood turning cold several times including the before mentioned nun, which was downright creepy at times. I also thought the first hour was perfectly done as the director slowly builds up the suspense and once it hits he just keeps it going with one sequence after another. I will say that the "crooked man" didn't work and the finale wasn't as great as I was hoping but these are just small issues.

Once again the film really benefits from the two great leads performances. Both Wilson and Farmiga are perfectly believable in their roles and they certainly sell the viewer that everything you're watching is actually happening. Madison Wolfe and Frances O'Connor are also very good in their supporting roles as is Simon McBurney. The film also benefits from some terrific cinematography and a very eerie music score. On a technical level the film is very impressive and this here helps build up the atmosphere.

THE CONJURING 2 is a very rare sequel that actually manages to be much better than the first film. It also shows why sequels shouldn't be rushed into production and that if you take your time with them something as good as this can be made.
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