A brilliantly crafted piece of cinema
3 October 2016
I don't often give a ten, but this time here goes my vote.

I didn't rush to see this one because I didn't care much about the first Conjuring. It is lost somewhere in my memory between Insidious and some other movie I forgot about. The design of the Anabelle doll bothered me to begin with.

Anyway, I finally watched The Conjuring 2, driven by favorable critics and word of mouth, and I am really glad I did.

Of course it's a James Wan ghost movie, so they throw everything in but the kitchen sink, although I think the kitchen sink got thrown out at some point, but I loved every part of the ride.

The Warren couple works in this one. There is real chemistry. The kids are all great. A kid in a horror movie is usually a low point, useful to generate compassion but also to make the rest of the cast look good, but there you have three of them, who seem to effortlessly deliver, well, anything. They performed so well I almost didn't notice.

The efficient reenactment of the 70's period is a real pleasure, but the movie doesn't just rely on the tricks (and bells, and whistles) of that proficient era. I really think they tried to sponge out ideas and mood from recent horror greats. I felt some Babadook in there. And a hint of It Follows maybe.

Clearly the creative department (because there is plenty of creativity nonetheless) tried hard on this, which is great, because they didn't have to. They would have made their money anyway.

Thank you Mr Wan. Very hard.
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