The Shallows (2016)
Is it a survival movie or a science fiction movie.
24 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert!

In The Shallows, this chick goes out to the middle of Secret Beach, Mexico, or some other country to surf off the same beach her now-dead mom surfed when she found out she was pregnant with our protagonist.

Her useless-as-a-bowling-ball-bat girl friend decides to romantically pass the morning with some absolute stranger after getting puking drunk the night before. So she heads to the beach with a nice guy named Carlos who gives her ride with no strings attached.

She is counting on her friend showing up later and then having a ride back to whatever-the-country beach town/resort/3rd world latrine hole they are staying at.

She arrives by herself without a flotation device and heads out. The only two people there are a couple of Spanish-speaking surfer dudes who would like to have sexual congress with her but, hey, the surf is good.

They leave and she goes out into the surf entirely by herself. What a complete invitation to some sort of intimate relationship with the shallow, blue sea.

If you have seen the preview you know some of what is involved.

Pros: Man, does she have a nice backside. She is in a bikini the entire movies. She's got nice but obviously re-upholstered frontal assets that look just like every other set of fake invitations, so yawn. But dat caboozzz. CGI is pretty good. Movie is pretty good. Did I tell you dat cabooz is really good.

Cons: Doesn't know if it is a survival movie or a science fiction movie.

Score: 3.5 blouse fillers out of 5. Have to give it a four in the ratings.
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