The Do-Over (2016)
Another Sandler comedy
1 June 2016
A high school reunion brings two friends back together. Max (Sandler) is an FBI agent and Charlie (Spade) a bank manager. They realize at the end of the night, that they both are disappointed about the way their life turned out. When Sandler decides to drastically take matters in his own hands, he drags his newly re-found friend with him kicking and screaming.

Truth be told, most Adam Sandler movies don't excel in subtle comedy. They are harsh, immature and over the top. This movie is not an exception. The plot is full of holes, logic and common sense are not pillars of this particular story.

Does this make it a bad movie? Yes! Did I enjoy watching it? I did! Sandler is one of my guilty pleasures though. There is something about his screen presence and charisma that keeps me glued to the screen. Most of the characters Sandler plays are effortlessly interchangeable. When he plays a serious character for a change, the quality of work improves (Funny People, Reign Over Me, Punch Drunk Love for example). Hopefully Netflix will steer in another direction for the remaining Sandler title.
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