Utter Crap!
23 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS... I'll admit, I didn't even make it through the first movie. I lasted 45 minutes waiting to see something funny happen and I lasted even less time on this P.O.S. You know a movie is bad when you'd rather go mop the floors. And I did! Spewing on someone's face to announce pregnancy, blood engorged tampons thrown into someone's face and a toddler running around with a dildo. All sounds like a good time but in this, it all falls flat. Maybe you just need to be drunk to get a laugh. I think you need to get so drunk that you blackout, wake up the next day and have forgotten that you wasted an hour and a half of your good drinking time watching this garbage... Seth Rogan plays yet another typecast role. The female lead, meh. I'm not even going to bother wasting my time with anyone else other than saying that Zac Effron is the only reason girls would watch this crap or it would be labelled a gross film for guys to watch. Not even chicks in bikinis could keep me watching. Please, Almighty God, don't let there be a trilogy!!
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