Under-seen and underrated horror
21 March 2016
A few reviews I have seen outside of this site make brazen accusations that are just false about this movie. The acting? Nothing wrong with it. We have enough concern for the activists and their mission that we are compelled to stick with it even though we dread the premise that has been promised by packaging and marketing. There are a couple of misdirects which I appreciated that helped put off the inevitable and allowed us to have some hope. The dread promised at the outset and the fact that it is an Eli Roth movie caused me to hesitate in watching. But ultimately a movie can only be so nihilistic. I question somewhat where it ends up, but have not at this moment finished listening to the director's commentary. Ultimately horror movies have blended into each other, even those that are not remakes or sequels and reboots. Here is a premise that comments on a serious topic that has been largely off screen since Medicine Man. Roth chooses to do this with horror, where a lapse of attention and random and unforgiving environs can kill you unceremoniously - or ceremoniously and ritualistically. It is also bold that he chooses to take a jaundiced view of activism set against the unexpected. Much of the movie achieves its terror in full daylight. It is a movie that may not be populist because it kills those with a sense of entitlement in effigy and shows the blurry line between the exploiters and the exploited.
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