Deadpool (2016)
Super Slump
11 February 2016
Unfortunately, Fox and Marvel are going to need a little more than strippers and Ryan Reynolds to get out of their slump. I understand this movie is an acquired taste, but I feel as if it was missing a good story. I will admit the comedy did make me grin at some points, but did seem a bit inane for most of the movie. If you're going to do a comedy film, make the jokes witty and clever rather than just having the lead actor cuss every 2 seconds. I honestly thought T.J. Miller's minor role as Weasel was funnier than all of Dead Pool's one-liners combined. I also felt the story jumped around too much. Yes, I understand the beginning of the movie mostly consisted of flashbacks, but when they returned to the main storyline I almost forgot what all had previously happened. The writers wasted a lot of time and ended up focusing more on making the movie "funny" than making the movie worthy of a sequel. I do really hope that Fox and Marvel will improve in their upcoming ventures, but for right now they need to focus on writing a good story. Making the main protagonist indestructible without any weakness kind of eliminates the drama a little bit. *Cough cough*—Man of Steel. Once again, I really do hope that Fox and Marvel can get back to telling the great stories that they were meant to tell instead of just making every comic book they've ever written into a movie.
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