Living Life With a Smile
2 February 2016
One of the many pleasures you have when you watch a Studio Ghibli film is its colorful animation and When Marnie Was There is yet another perfect example of that. More impressively, the story the film tells is just as filled with colorful themes and plot points that you just wouldn't get from a Disney or Dreamworks animated film. When Marnie Was There doesn't pull any punches, but more importantly, the punches they throw at the audience mean something and will have an emotionally resonating impact for all viewers, not just kids.

The film tells the story of Anna, a young girl who spends the summer with her relatives close to open water, and finds a mysterious and seemingly abandoned mansion across the water. After drawing numerous sketches of the mansion, she finds her way across using a row boat. What follows after that is a legitimately mysterious plot that keeps the audience guessing at every turn. Is Anna seeing things? Is this all a dream? Which characters are hiding what? And so on. For most of the film, that technique works very well. But there are a few times when the secrets and potential reveals get a bit tiresome.

When Marnie Was There is a story about plenty of things like regret, loss, and neglection. But at the heart of the film is a story about friendship, and an unlikely one at that. Obviously, there's plenty of things about the plot that you can't reveal without spoiling anything, but Anna and Marnie's bond throughout is truly something special. It's a bond that is probably more satisfying when you watch it a second time and can appreciate it without having to keep your eyes pealed for the next secret to be let out.

The film is complemented by a beautiful score and a heart wrenching end credits song that is sure to get even the most stubborn of people to get teary eyed. But it's also a different kind of sadness than say a Pixar or Disney film can give you (exceptions of course). When Marnie Was There has a dream like quality to the entire story, but the devastating moments hit you like a ton of bricks. Even in its most unrealistic instances, you feel the same sorrow and happiness that the characters do.


+Story has just the right amount of dark moments

+Probably more depth than other animated flicks

+Bond between Marnie and Anna

-Mysteries perhaps get a bit tiresome

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