Review of H+

H+ (2011–2013)
Good Series but unbelievably annoying format, Why Bryan Singer?!!!
24 January 2016
First of all this series REALLY needs a new format, full episodes of 20mins would be a amazing to see for the next season if there is one.

The main actors portray an incredibly deep seated background when conversing with supporting cast members and makes you feel that they have so much going on in their lives, making this 2-5min episode series rich with 3 Dimensional characters it's hard to see any flaws, as the cast, writers and directing make this world feel believable and real.

However, after binge watching the series it does become apparent that there is a lot of time shifting going on and you begin to get pretty overwhelmed with trying to track all the different sub plots within the characters lives, ranging from as far as 8 years before and then a few years after.

When this happens, you become a little irritated, I have to admit! That's why I really believe this series would ultimately benefit from longer episodes. Possibly where each one concentrates on one time period at a time so that you can watch it without having to put so much effort into trying to understand the whole story through so many time shifts in such a short period, as well as getting the bigger picture in a more coherent manner.

For me it just comes back to good story telling and I'm afraid this series is majorly let down solely by the format of the way it has been presented, not to mention that the credits themselves take up around 15 secs intro and then 35 secs for the ending credits. This usually leaves the episode with about 2 Min's to tell one or two little scene that to be honest feels quite pointless really. Which is such a shame as I for one was intrigued by all the characters and feel they should have more time to shine properly.

I understand that this is a 'mini-series' but even grouping say 5 Ep's together would have made for a better 'episode' or chapter, and would most likely produce better cliffhanger potential. As well as earning it's place on a network to gross an actual profit!

I hope this gets a bigger budget for the second season, the SFX is pretty amazing and the concept, while not entirely new, feels incredibly rich with so much potential for expansion and has such a well thought out back story, it deserves better....
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