Widmark and Greer pursued through the jungle by Nazis...
11 January 2016
Mike Latimer (Richard Widmark) is a famous novelist who's dropped out of circulation. A reporter (Jane Greer) is undercover--trying to wrangle an exclusive interview with this mercurial man. However, although she is able to make contact with him and befriend him, he doesn't know she's a reporter. What they both don't know is that the plane he's flying them in across the Central American jungle is going to conk out...and leave them stranded in the middle of no where. Does it sound like it couldn't get any worse? Well, it can. Although they are saved from the wreckage, their benefactors turn out to be Nazis hiding out in the jungle and they're not about to let the pair escape if they can help it. Soon, it's a long and torturous trek through the unforgiving jungle...with these nasty jerks in hot pursuit.

While this isn't one of Widmark's very best films, it is quite good and the Nazi theme worked since it was only about a dozen years since the war ended. Tense, well crafted and well worth seeing. Besides, Greer nearly died making this film....so don't you owe it to her sacrifice to see the movie?!

I originally planned on giving this film an 8...it's really good. But near the end, Latimer takes out one of the baddies and then doesn't bother picking up the guy's gun as he makes his escape. This simply makes no sense and annoyed me.

By the way, early on you see the reporter looking through a magazine with a cover story about Latimer. While the magazine looks a lot like LOOK magazine, its name is SIGHT....a rather clever little play on words.
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