Yeah, it's bad. Really bad...
9 November 2015
LAWNMOWER MAN 2: BEYOND CYBERSPACE currently holds a ranking as one of the IMDb's bottom 100 films, so as you'd expect it's pretty bad. It's not the worst I've seen, not by a long shot, but it is a wasted opportunity for all involved, and it has very little to do with the first film.

In fact, the only thing this really has in common is a sinister villain who lives in a virtual reality world. Unfortunately, the viewer is treated to a grinning, gurning Matt Frewer going way over the top and hamming it up as the cyber-creation. I know Frewer was an obvious choice for the role with MAX HEADROOM and everything, but his acting here stinks.

The rest of the film isn't much better. The virtual reality scenes of characters flying around a fantasy world are really embarrassing and awful to behold. Patrick Bergin (ROBIN HOOD) comes in to pick up his pay cheque but tries to keep his head down for the most part. Can you blame him? Austin O'Brien (LAST ACTION HERO) is back from the original but can do nothing with a stock one-dimensional character. I can't describe the plot to you as I haven't got a clue what was meant to be going on, only that the budget was bigger than I was expecting and it still managed to be awful regardless.
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