Surprisingly adult for Disney
27 August 2015
The Fox and the Hound is nothing more than another Disney film about animals gallivanting around, having merry old time. At least to a child. Seen as an adult, it's a bit more than that.

The movie is about two young animals. A fox named Todd, taken in by an elderly woman and nursed to adulthood as her pet. And a hunting dog named Copper, owned by a curmudgeon aging hunter. The film follows their lives through their days as two innocent young cubs and into adulthood where their roles in the so called circle of life start to assert themselves.

The story itself isn't all that complicated and I'm pretty sure most of its underlying themes go straight over the head of most children. But its those themes that give this movie its depth and weight. The themes of childhood innocence, societal roles and expectations, defying one's place in the grand scheme of things, of friendship, bravery and regret. It's also one of the Disney films with an ending that isn't pure sugarcoated saccharine, fittingly so, given the subject matter.

The Fox and the Hound is not one my favourite Disney films, mainly because I find the two main characters to be somewhat bland, but I do find it to be one of the subtlest Disney movies and well worth a watch as an adult even if you haven't seen it as a child.
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