Lacks The Charm of The First Film
25 July 2015
On paper, Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is a sequel that should work. The plot is not a complete retread of the first film and some of the script is actually pretty creative. Unfortunately, the film severely lacks in charm which is one of the main elements that made the first installment enjoyable.

Reeve's and Winters do an excellent job of reprising their roles, but their dimwitted metalhead personalities become an over-reliant source for jokes which become more redundant than funny. On a side note, the addition of William Shatner as The Grim Reaper is a highlight of the film.

Even though the film is attempting to actually be something different than the previous installment, it bites off way more than it can chew. A bunch of sci-fi elements are introduced including robots and part of the plot involves Bill & Ted dying and traveling to the afterlife. While it all should fit the absurd humor of the film, none of it flows together coherently and feels sloppy and scatterbrained. Their are a few funny bits scattered throughout, but a lot of it just dully drags along delivering little laughs.

Bogus Journey had all the elements in place for it to be a good sequel, but it falls apart in it's execution losing it's charm and much of the humor along with it. It's not a terrible sequel, but one that's pretty forgettable and only worth watching if you are a hardcore fan of the first installment.
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