Draft Day (I) (2014)
NFL meets Lifetime. It'll make you feel good if you just don't think.
27 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was tempted to give this movie a 1, but then I bumped it up to 2 because it succeeds as a feel good movie.

My girlfriend is a football fan, and she liked it. So I think that's pretty much who this movie works for. Anyone who isn't so serious about movies that they puke at all the clichés. And also someone who isn't so serious about football that they become enraged at the lack of realism. Unfortunately I'm both of those things...

Where this movie suffers is that it doesn't try to be unique at all. Instead of relying on the actual drama that is the NFL draft, it takes the cheap route and focuses on all this personal nonsense that no one cares about. The characters are thin, and the cast (outside of a few) isn't strong enough to pull off what little they have to work with.

The Browns GM and staff is ridiculously dumb. People are saying that the trade he made was unrealistic, but that's not true. The real life Browns almost traded 3 1st for Andrew Luck, who is what Bo Callaghan is suppose to be a version of. What makes the Browns GM so inept is his lack of communication, his whole staff's lack of preparation (you scout EVERYONE, not just the guy you expect to take), and how indecisive he is...

The ONLY thing that bails him out after he digs himself into this great big hole, you guessed it, conveniently dumber adversaries. They make the Jaguars GM the dumbest human on earth! Not only does he get fleeced (and if you blame it on him being a rookie, the safe pick was taking the QB) but he's so dumb he doesn't just call the Seahawks and cause a bidding war for his pick. The Seahawks GM should've already been on the phone with the Broncos, the Jags, etc if he wanted the QB so badly. No one just waits for a player to fall, all GMs are proactive, it's the nature of the competition. Because there's no telling which one of the other 31 teams will trade up ahead of you. It's not as simple as "the Broncos wont take him because they have a QB" they wont, but they will trade the pick to someone who will. If the kid is valued worth 3 1st, then someone would've offered at least 1 to take him at 4.

Seriously, this movie is just painful if you actually follow the draft... and I'm assuming that's the demographic they were going after when they decided to make a movie about the draft.

I really do hate movies like this. They are fun enough when you're watching them. But as soon as they end and you reflect, it's like swiss cheese, so many holes.
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