"The Tonight Show" without class
18 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To sum it all into perspective, I cannot stand Fallon. I tried watching a couple of episodes of his version of "The Tonight Show" but just couldn't go on. Carson would be rolling in his grave. Whatever class "The Tonight Show" once had is now gone and has been replaced by immature tomfoolery. What probably annoys me the most about Fallon is his over-emphasized laughter over the littlest things and the worshiping of his guests, which is absolutely atrocious and unnecessary. These things make him look immature, fake, and desperate for the attention and ratings. Although some of his games aren't bad, his monologues are weak...but nowhere near as bad as Letterman's, whose monologues and humor are about as dry as a desert. Anyhow, Fallon's house band, The Roots, also look like they were picked out of an alley from the 1970s. The set and furniture are bland, and so is Fallon's brand of humor. If you like toilet humor and other jokes that you'd probably hear in a middle school hallway, then this show is for you. Furthermore, if you like a "host" that lollygags around the set while barely giving his guests enough time to talk during an "interview," then this show is for you. Many of the once great hosts of late-night have either retired or are starting to wear out their welcome. For instance, although I was glad to hear that Letterman finally decided to retire, I cringe at the fact that someone like Stephen Colbert will be taking over for him come May 2015. Kimmel isn't bad, but could be better. Late night is dead, folks, and NBC just helped put another nail in the coffin here.
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