Shallow, boring, a complete waste of money.
15 February 2015
Jupiter Ascending, a film that deals with subjects that I'm sure a millennia old advanced species would have no interest in, such as wealth, materialism, physical appearances and girl crushes. A totally shallow film with not a single redeeming feature. The Wachowskis should be ashamed of themselves. It was a good job we had a gift certificate because if we had spent the full £20 on the film I would have been mortified. I walked out before the end of the film as I didn't care the slightest about the fate of any of the characters and it was pretty obvious that the ending would be a complete happy ending cliché. These sorts of films make me want to give up on the modern film industry, they only spew out high budget garbage to appease the idiots. Excuse me while I go watch some Hitchcock or something. Urgh.
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