Horrendous mess. Avoid. Like. The. Plague.
25 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers

This is hands down the worst romcom. A total lack of redemption and spine from any character, and a horrendous plot if there is one and if ever there was one. At one point, that I air-slapped one of the leads.

Kate Hudson and Ginnifer Goodwin should move on from this genre. But I guess in Hollywood, if you are a hot blonde, you are doomed to always play the rich, dumb, partying, skimpily-clad blonde,and if you are Ginnifer Goodwin, well, you are basically typecast as Ginnifer Goodwin. All the actors did a good job, but when the plot is so terrible, no amount of good acting will help and this movie proves it.

Rachel (Goodwin) and Darcy (Hudson) are best friends from childhood. Rachel is the smart, plain-looking, yet pretty-in-a-way brunette, Darcy, the above-described blonde, Dex (Egglesfield) is the handsome, rich lawyer, and Ethan (Krasinski) the only sensible one in this mess.

So, Rachel and Dex really like each other all through law school, but Rachel has a pathologic need to hand over the good things in her life to her best friend, because she thinks she doesn't deserve them, despite obvious evidence to the contrary. In reaction to that, Dex doesn't ask her out either.

On her thirtieth birthday, Darcy, who by now is engaged to Dex, throws a huge party for her, after which she gets drunk and ends up sleeping with Dex.

This is where the movie starts to fall apart.

Rachel and Dex start to meet secretively and realise that they have always loved each other and are meant to be together, but they'd rather sneak around behind Darcy's back and spend romantic nights, than own up and deal with the consequences.

Instead, Dex is house-hunting with Darcy and upon seeing him with Darcy, Rachel tries to make him jealous by sleaze-dancing with his friend, Marcus.

Dex hasn't an iota of courage to come clean to Darcy and instead, when his father warns him to forget Rachel, he stares blankly instead of standing up for himself and the woman he loves.

To make matters worse, Darcy confesses to Rachel that she cheated on Dex with Marcus and when she asks Rachel if she should still marry Dex, despite everything, Rachel gives the thumbs-up.

Ethan (Krasinksi) figures out what's going on, but he loves Rachel, and wants the best for her and keeps telling her to do the right thing, in vain. When he gets sick of the charade, he even tries to make things right, but Rachel breaks his nose before he can say a word. Way to go!

Finally, after what seems like eons, Rachel does admit her feelings to Dex, and Dex, being the coward that he is, chickens out. Rachel gets upset and goes to London to where Ethan has relocated by now (probably to escape this madness and keep his body intact, I don't blame him). Ethan tells her that he loves her, that unlike with Dex, she is his first choice. Rachel gives an awwww-but-I-don't-love-you type expression and of course, Ethan "understands".

Rachel returns to New York City, because after all, her best friend needs her at her wedding. Never mind, the fact that she slept with said BFF's fiancée and stabbed her in the back, but who cares, right?

When she gets back, Dex is waiting for her, he has called off the wedding and they run into each other's arms. Darcy then shows up at her place and tells her that she is pregnant with Marcus' baby and despite the spineless Dex hiding from her in the kitchen, she finds his jacket and understands the truth. She is mad at them and shouts, 'I hate you!' to Rachel and leaves.

Two months later, Dex and Rachel are together and Rachel meets Darcy on the street, who tells her she is happy, patting her baby bump. She is better off without these toxic people in her life. She eventually ends up in London and is last seen chasing after Ethan, who can't seem to catch a break from this craziness and is seen running away from her.

The writers made Darcy cheat on Dex only so that she'd seem worse and they could redeem the lead pair. The worst part is, when Darcy first meets Dex at a bar where he is with Rachel, she proposes that he ask Rachel out to which Rachel says no and that they are just friends. Only then does Darcy make her move on him. Even after Dex follows her out and asks if she is okay with him dating her friend, she acts as though she is fine with it, though she clearly has tears in her eyes and every fricking pore in her body is screaming no.

Rachel is the worst excuse for a friend, Dex, for a man and a fiancée. Darcy is made evil just to end this never-ending crapfest.

The one star is for the line when Ethan says to Rachel, 'You and Dex deserve each other, he won't leave his fiancée to be with you and you don't have the nerve to ask for what you want.'

To think that the makers want to make a sequel! Shelve it already!
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