Way Way Way Better Than I Ever Expected.
21 January 2015
I rate The Other Woman 9 out of 10 stars much to my own surprise. When I first saw promos for it, I felt sorry for Coaster-Waldau having to play the antagonist in a chick flick. So so sorry. Boy, was I wrong about this movie.

Leslie Mann, you goddess among women and of comedy! You made me laugh in so many more ways than just a regular comic ever has. I related to the crazy Kate more than most any other characters in film (and I have not been in Kate's position).

At first, I was Team Kate 100%, mainly because Diaz's Carly was so rough around the edges, but as the story progresses and it becomes about friendship and female empowerment, I grew to really like and appreciate the bond Kate and Carly created. Of course, I fully enjoyed seeing Coaster-Waldau's Mark suffer (sorry cheaters, not down with that!)

Much credit to writer Melissa Stack and the whole cast. I haven't enjoyed many comedies Hollywood puts out, but this one is a rare diamond.
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