The Interview (II) (2014)
The Interview: An Actual Honest Review
25 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Interview has created a lot of crazy rumors and a lot of things have been making this movie one of the biggest happenings this year. A lot of speculations were made when Sony got hacked and they suspected that North Korea was behind it. This generated a lot of interest for the movie and people were talking about it over and over again. So, after several threats they decided to pull the movie from all theaters. Later on, they decided to release it for streaming purposes, and that's how we finally got to watch the hard work that was put into The Interview.

Let's get to the IMDb rating first; they are obviously fakes and there are even people on 4chan telling everyone to rate the movie a 10. This is really just to give the creators of the movie the support and love they need after suffering this sad conflict. Also, it is a great opportunity to actually show movie distribution companies that putting movies earlier to watch at home too streaming, WHILE running in cinema will generate A LOT of money.

I got the opportunity to watch this, and I figured, what the heck, it's only 5,99 USD, so why not give it a shot, since everybody is talking about this film. Honest opinion now, a lot of reviews here are fake, by people who has NOT seen the movie. So here's your opportunity to actually read an HONEST review.

The movie is in no way perfect by all means, but it does have it's surprisingly funny and shocking moments. Yes, the movie is overloaded with toilet humor and profanity, but it does not necessarily make it a bad movie. I found a lot of the jokes mildly amusing and I chuckled through almost the whole movie with some laugh out loud-moments too. The chemistry between Franco and Rogen is perfect and they always work well together when it comes to acting. The story has set a goal in movie history, and Rogen actually had the ba lls to mock a world leader. I adore Seth's hard work into this movie and I adore everyone else who were part of this project. It's a shame that people get so butt-hurt over a f****nag comedy film. While skeptical about the movie itself, seeing as Rogen's humor is childish and contains a lot of toilet humor and continuous jokes, I found myself enjoying the whole film. The script was very well written, the characters felt real and it had the perfect blend of humor, action and drama. (and a little bit of romance, too) I found both Franco's and Rogen's performance to be flawless and the chemistry they have on screen is wonderful, making this a very believable film. However, I found Franco's character to be a little annoying, but I guess that's what they aimed for. Franco's character felt a little flawed because at one moment, he acted like he was retarded, and then the other second he's starting to act like he's some kind of Sherlock Holmes. This was a minor problem to me, but I kind of wish that they would have worked on Franco's character a little more and made him to be more believable, in my honest opinion he was annoyingly stupid and almost too stupid, even though that was what they were aiming for. They made Seth's character seem so much more intelligent than Franco. I have no idea what they were trying to do but in my personal opinion it always bothered me.

The scenes where Franco got to meet Kim Jong Un were truly amazing, but at the same time, quite awkward. Even though Kim is the bad guy, you couldn't help but feel bad for him. They actually made him a misunderstood individual, just like Franco's character, and I found that to be very funny and clever. As for the actor playing Kim, he does an amazing job and he does not waste any of his acting talents. You actually believe him as a person and that makes the movie a sh*t load better.

I do not want to spoil the movie for you, but what I can tell you is that this surely is worth a watch at home. I would not have been pleased if it was a theatrical film, but if you're just looking for a funny film, with lots of shock humor, and Rogen humor screaming all over it, this is your choice. Turn of your brain, maybe take a beer and enjoy the movie as it is.

Summary: The Interview was a pleasant surprise with believable character development, an interesting plot that only gets better after the second half, with plenty of toilet humor and gags that do not fail to amuse. This will most likely be the most anticipated movie of the year, or at least of 2015, causing the trouble it did, making more people interested in what made this movie so threatening and offensive to North Koreans. Sit down, grab a beer and enjoy. It is a movie that doesn't take itself seriously, meaning you should not take it seriously. It is a great effort from both Rogen and Franco, and I recommend this film to everyone who can actually take a joke AND has a sense of humor, especially those who likes the type of humor Rogen has been featuring these past years.

The movie deserves a strong 7 out of 10. Hopefully, the fake ratings will be reset and The Interview will have an average rating of about 7-8.
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