For Those Comparing to History go Watch the Dark Prince and move on
12 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I don't write many reviews but I am tired of seeing stupid reviews on this movie.

I'm going to state this right now before going on. Dracula, at least the vampire part, is a legend and therefore fiction and the real Dracula, the real person in history, is not really illustrated in this movie and was not meant to be. This movie was new twist on the Dracula stories, deferring to all previous movies and creating its own story line. Not a classic horror or historical movie of the life of Vlad the Impaler so if you wanted to see a movie like the rest of Dracula movies or for it to be close to the historical value of the real person, then stop now and don't watch it. I've seen so many reviews saying it's nothing like the history books...well duh it's FICTON! HE'S A DANM VAMPIRE!!

Now on to the movie. Like I said it is a new twist to Dracula. He is a powerful warlord that has earned a great reputation and in this movie he seeks to become a vampire to protect his people and his family from the Turkish armies. So if you wanna see a bad ass Dracula single handily destroy an army, this is for you. This movie, in my opinion, was more of an action movie with cool CG effects. There is a little romance and drama thrown in with the scenes with his family and his people and such but for the most part it has a good pace and has a good balance of all three. The acting was pretty good and the main character in my opinion did a good job. Anyways Dracula in this movie was a bad ass, you get to see him use some of cool vampire powers to kill hundreds of soldiers and you get to see him become a hero for once. I don't want to give away any real spoilers to the movie for those who want to see it but go in with an open mind and just enjoy this movie.
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