Review of Wind Chill

Wind Chill (2007)
Worth watching
21 July 2014
A college student (Emily Blunt) trying to get home for the holidays catches a ride with another student (Ashton Holmes). She becomes suspicious of him when several things he says don't add up and thinks he might be a stalker or serial killer or something. Then the two become stranded on a deserted stretch of road in the snow. Surviving each other and the elements is bad enough but they have to contend with ghosts as well.

A surprisingly well-done little ghost story starts out strong building suspense and misdirecting the audience that this might be some kind of slasher thriller where the guy chases after the girl he's obsessed with. But once it becomes clear that's not the type of movie it's going to be, it becomes more interesting and then quickly less interesting as the last half-hour or so is rife with clichés. Emily Blunt and Ashton Holmes both do well playing flawed but believable characters. She's a bitch and he's a weirdo so you really aren't sure for awhile who you're supposed to root for, if anybody. It's a good movie though and definitely worth checking out if you're interested in ghost stories.
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