Should have kept it simple
19 July 2014
Don't get me wrong: Domenick & Eugene is a decent movie. At a certain point, however, exploration of the intense relationship between the two brothers is traded for not-very-pertinent, high-powered external events.

It seems the producer or someone in charge decided at some point that the movie was too dull, so infused the substantial plot with hookers, child abusers and alcoholic binges.

The point in the movie where it went astray and where it could have been done much better is when Nicky has been told by Eugene that Eugene can not make it to the birthday celebration wrestling match. Nicki should have called Jennifer (Jamie Lee Curtis) and thereby began a relationship with her.

Some excellent and subtle screenplay could have evolved from Nikki having a romantic relationship with Jennifer, while Eugene, a professional one (so he says). Some interesting jealousy, rivalries could have ensued, along with coming-of-age and search for identity and assertiveness on Nicky's part, and maybe learning more respect for others on Gino's part.

Instead, we get a movie basically filled with scumballs; the drug dealer, the other guy on the trash truck and the guy who beat and killed his son. For what? Excitement? The movie had great actors and acting and good direction, but didn't know what it wanted to say.

I also have to ask how Nicky avoided kidnapping charges or at least a 60-day mental observation. The final blow to this movie was the lack-luster and un-emotional goodbye between Nicky and Gino. Yeah. See you later, guy.

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