America!!! F*** Yeah! Team America is funny all the way!
5 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so amazing hilarious. The world needs more Marionette movies like this. I haven't saw many like this, before and many like this, after. The script for this film was actually Plan B from Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park, television fame in making a marionette movie. Their first idea was filming a 2004's The Day After Tomorrow or 1998's Armageddon, environment type movie with the puppets. Since, they couldn't secure the rights to the 'Day After Tomorrow' script. They fought for the remake of 1960's Thunderbirds puppet television show, script, only to get turn down when they found out that the studio that got it, wanted it to film it in live action. While the script did go on, to become a live action film, release in 2004 with Bill Paxton in the main role and a different director. It was deeply disappointing. Matt Stone & Trey Parker would use their notes for their Thunderbirds film, and rewrite it as Team America: World Police. Indeed, they really wanted to make a marionette movie. I really dig the puppet work, because a lot of hard work, went into it. The film had a troubled time in production, with various problems regarding the marionettes, as well as the scheduling extremes of having the film come out in time. I give the movie props to how detail the sets, were, and the puppets being used. It felt like we did come into their world. Household objects were used as props in order. It's fun looking for these items as Easter eggs throughout the film. Honestly, the movie wouldn't had work, if it wasn't done by puppets. The puppets really gives the film, its unique comedic look, and style. It's funny, watching the puppet move slightly odd. It is fun to watch them get killed off in outrageous deaths or trying to perform actions scenes. It's shocking to even, see puppets having a sex scene. The version of this scene in the uncut unrated DVD version is much more graphic and much longer. While, it's play for laughs, it's pretty pornographic. What made the movie, even better is the sociopolitical comedy film about United States political position about trying to police the world, post 9/11. No historic landmark is spared in their quest to take out potential threats to the United States. You can really see the tongue in cheek nature of being over-patriotism, while also see the over the top pacifists society of America. The film is an also a satire of big-budget action films, using clichés and stereotypes to get through the humorous emphasis on the global implications of the politics of the United States at the time. Team America focuses on a fictional team of political paramilitary policemen known as "Team America: World Police," who hired an Broadway actor, Gary Johnston (Voiced by Trey Parker) get inside information on the next terrorist attack, that is being plot by Kim Jong-il (Also voiced By Trey Parker). The supporting voice work by Kristen Miller, Matt Stone, Daran Norris and others were all great in their roles. The film also boasts the occasional musical number, from a 'Rent' musical spoof of 'Everybody got AIDS' to 'I'm so roney' sung by Kim Jong Il about how lonely it is to be an evil dictator. The main theme song is pretty damn, catchy. 2001's Pearl Harbor film by Michael Bay also gets it pretty hard as there's a whole song pretty much detailing why it sucks Yes, the film is very controversy. The film has racist stereotypes, sexual derogatory words, some gross potty humor, and constant profanity. The filmmakers had to fight with the Motion Picture Association of America for Rated R, after getting NC-17 rating, a number of times. The film was recut by a few seconds and rated R. It's really hard to think that this film is NC-17. I saw worst animation type movies than this, get PG like 1986's, Howard the Duck. This movie was at less, watchable. This R-Rating movie isn't for children, so don't get confused by the animations and decide to let small children, watch the film. Still, the film had a really good message toward adults. There is an amazing speech in the end that all comedy and satire, but really, that speech still is valid to what's going on with the world. Like South Park, there are plenty of celebrity caricatures here, that can make you, laugh your head off. My favorite had to be the Matt Damon puppet. Parker and Stone had a particular beef with Michael Moore and took it out on his character due to 1999's Bowling for Columbine documentary in which it seems like Moore made them in favor of his position when they weren't. The only celebrity that took really offend on his portrayal in the film had to be Sean Penn, who took the film as an insult to helping out war torn countries. While, I'm a huge fan of his work, I did think Sean Penn took the movie, too serious. Other celebrities just ignored it, or laugh it off, but Sean Penn really made headlines with this feud against the movie. It only help gather free promoting to go, see the film to the normal audience member. Americans need to be able to laugh at themselves and I found it to be, a very smart comedy. Overall: Team America: World Police delivers the laughs and it's worth the watch.
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