Swamp Water (1941)
This is such a great movie
12 June 2014
This is such a great movie. I was about twelve when I first saw it--I watched it with my Daddy, who had lived a tent in the Everglades in 1939, and we sat in front of the fireplace and were enthralled.

We loved Ward Bond, who was a great actor. We talked about it for a long time afterward and it just resonated for us.

It was years later when I realized this movie was directed by Renoir, one of the most brilliant directors of all time, and what we were seeing really was a masterpiece.

The only other director I can think of who can match his artistry is Kurosawa. We've all got our own idiosyncratic tastes and feel passionate about the films we love (or hate). When we see a movie, it's not just the movie itself but when we saw it, where we saw it, who we were with, all of those things that make up the experience. For me, it was winter, a steak grilling over a wood fire, my father's laughter, the joy of us being together watching this movie we really enjoyed.

I love this movie, and think it's beautiful. But memory and emotion cloud my feelings, so watch it and decide for yourself.
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