Loved it- well worth a watch- a comedy with substance
24 April 2014
I know there are lots of negative reviews (critics, I mean) about this movie which made me unsure about going to see it. Basically what I can say is that reviews can't tell you how you are going to experience this movie- I found it hilarious. I came to a point where I couldn't breathe as I was laughing so much- a nice bit of stress relief. I didn't find that there were laughing moments the WHOLE way through- I don't know why the critics didn't like this though- at least it's not just a mindless comedy. It has a genuine plot line which is followed through- a comedy with substance- it's not just one funny scenario after another and this emphasises the hilarity of the funny moments that do come up. Would definitely recommend it- left me buzzing after wards- can be enjoyed by everyone. I found Leslie Mann was the shining star of the movie- so was Cameron Diaz (slightly less so than Mann). Kate Upton, I think contributed very little- don't know why she got the billing that she did. Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau also stood out for me.
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