beautifully photographed
28 March 2014
So typically early seventies that when the cropped crochet top appears it is almost as if it is a joke. Many and varied fashions of the time aside this is a languorous film, again very much of the period, with much very pretty photography and much talking. Much talking about brother and sister and husband and brother and sister once more. Yes, of course, incest is more than hinted at and the fleshy scenes, incestuous and other are again beautifully photographed. Its just that it is apparent very early on that this is really not going anywhere and slowly at that. Erika Blanc is as good as ever and truly has to carry most of this film because she is simply the most interesting thing about it. The young male lead, Peter Lee Lawrence, I understand played in a lot of spaghetti westerns so I just trust that he made more effort in them as he seems not to in this. Maybe he just found the ponderous dialogue too much to bother with. For all my harsh words, the look and Erika mean you can't dislike the thing and at least it doesn't outstay its welcome.
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