Dominique (1979)
File under 'Tales of The Expected'.
23 January 2014
Michael Anderson's sporadically spooky 'Dominique' is a rather creaky, supernaturally slight British Gothic melodrama blessed with a quality cast that, quite frankly, readily outshines the rather prosaic text. All that being said, I actively remain an avid fan of doomy, generously smoke-slathered haunted house horror films, and the fitfully atmospheric 'Dominique' still proved to be a marginally entertaining affair; even though the formulaic plot is wholly derivative, and the twists prove to be somewhat more linear than the writer may have initially intended! The main faults reside in the hackneyed, uninspired writing, since the film-making is really first rate, with the exquisitely expressive lighting being quite exceptional, frequently reminding one of Mario Bava's sublimely sinister 'Kill, Baby Kill'. For those more forgiving Brit Horror completists seeking some late night supernatural horror hokum, you certainly could do a lot worse than the admittedly tame terror titbit 'Dominique'. File under 'Tales of The Expected'.
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