Different strokes for different folks
25 November 2013
I'm a 57 yo female and I've been binging on this show. Yes, it's written for the 18-35 male demographic, but I'm 43 episodes into it and look forward to the next. Some have talked about the bad plots,the one-dimensional characters, the yelling over top of each other. Yes, yes, and yes.

If you notice, however, there are usually 3 plots per episode carried by groups of two or three main players. Each "plot" unfolds within the series of skits that make up each show. In this regard, it's much like 30 Rock with absurd plots, unbelievable characters, etc. I love 30 Rock, too.

The characters are like asteroids. Each a simple little bit of inorganic rock that sometime in the past crashed into each other and stuck. Whenever one spirals in, so do they all. And it happens every show - we just never know what THAT is going to look like.

As for the screaming - I'm from back east (Pittsburgh, not Philly) where people talk/holler over each other, at high volume, with amazing frequency. It transports me back to the land of Thick Skin. The beauty of this in this show - whether intentional or not - the yelling is a character itself. When it enters a scene, anything or anyone not engaged in the shouting ceases to exist. I find that hilarious, especially when the yelling stops and the characters seem to not notice it even happened. Only the poor bystanders are aware. Very Stoogelike.

So that's my two cents. Sophomoric, blue, controversial issues, lacking in social graces, scatological. Whatever. It hits its demographic and some unlikely outliers.
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