Cloudy with a chance of Humour
24 November 2013
When I heard about this sequel, admittedly I was screaming.....WHY??? However after watching the film, I soon began to understand. The story is set after the first one, where Flint (Bill Hader) is now working for his Idol, however he soon discovers that his machine he created in the first movie, is still operational and is producing menacing food-animal hybrids. Yes, I agree it sounds crazy right? However it does allow the film to be funny through the various animal puns, for example a 'Shrimpanzee' and many many more. The first movie I felt was clever, whereas this one I feel is based on more of the humour elements. The hybrids are sweet as well as very clever, and I feel that they make the movie work. Flint is still as clumsy and crazy as ever, and thankfully some of the characters from the first film have more screen time, the only actor absent is Mr T, however Terry Crews still delivers a very funny performance as the policeman. I haven't seen this in 3D however I could see how elements will be awesome to see, though it delivers just as good in 2D. Its fun, enjoyable, paves way for a third and is suitable for all audiences.

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