18 November 2013
I still cringe when I even think about this movie. I saw it on TV a couple years after it came out. I know that almost all movies are contrived in some ways, but the contrivances in this movie were too many, and too much to bear.

Having said that, I take exception to the review by stmarseille14-1, in which he savages the movie on apparently political terms, as if it somehow single-handedly caused the destruction of (conservative) Western Civilization as we - or more accurately, HE/SHE and his/her ilk, know it. Or THINK they do.

What a load of BS. This movie made nary a blip on the minds and consciousness of the "hippy dippy free love, free sex" people this person seems to loathe. One has to be simple-minded to even attempt to make such a connection. How many people at that time does this writer suppose actually even saw this movie, let alone were influenced by it? Sheesh. I found this movie to be a corny, syrupy confection on the order of Love Story. I recall having watched it to the end, but not because it was suspenseful or drew me in, or because the characters were spectacular, thought-provoking or charming. I think I was just too bored to turn it off or change the channel, or may I'd had a few drinks.

If you actually liked Love Story, there is a very good chance that you will like Sweet November. Everyone else should avoid it like the plague.
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