Inside Amy Schumer (2013–2022)
She's Brilliant, Funny & Subversive (Warning: This contains spoilers.)
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show. I think it's exceptionally well-written, and I'm shocked that it's garnered so many bad reviews from other users--so I felt I had to step up to Amy's defense.

Comedy is so subjective...and while I always imagined this show would be well received by both men and women, perhaps on that account I was wrong (as it seems a lot of men are slamming her). That said, I just can't believe that men fail to see how brilliant this show is. Come on! Let's think about some of these sketches:

1) The audition for the Two Cups video? Genius. Because we all know some (much sadder)version of this actually went down before that viral video was made, this concept is genius.

2) The split-screen visual of the one night stand sketch where she becomes obsessed with a dude who has zero interest? I thought men would LOVE this. It's clever and plays on something that's been joked about before, but in a totally novel and self-deprecating way.

3) The Nutter's sketch? Playing upon Hooter's themed restaurants so men can understand how ridiculous it feels to be a woman in one of these establishments? Social commentary anyone? This lady is smart. Give her some credit.

4) The agent Butterface sketch? Come on guys (especially guys who hate this show)...she's calling out gender-based stereotypes and playing with them...just like Chapelle did with race. Again, this lady, and her writer, know what the hell they're doing. And it's pretty brilliant.

In short, I think any thinking person that doesn't have a totally prudish sensibility should love this smart, funny and, I'd argue, subversive show.

As a woman in comedy, I've been waiting for a sketch show like this my whole life.
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