First Adaptation Of "I Am Legend".
25 September 2013
Vincent Price stars as Dr. Richard Morgan, the apparent sole-survivor of a world-wide plague that has turned humans into vampire-like creatures that come out at night, trying to kill him. He has barricaded himself in his home at night, but ventures out in the day to gather supplies, and kill any of the "undead" he can find. He will come to discover that he isn't in fact the "last", but he may as well be...

Based on the famous novel by Richard Matheson, film doesn't really succeed, despite a good performance by Vincent Price. Script is full of holes, and becomes dreary and ultimately unsatisfying, even unintentionally funny at times. Has really good source material that explores and attempts to explain vampire lore, and the reasons behind it(like garlic and mirrors) but this is barely covered. Has some atmosphere, but not enough.
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